Thursday 7 May 2015

The suspense has made us intrigued in the guessing game

When there's a kind of surprise element or guessing element into anything, we're bound to be keen to get into the root cause of the surprise and try to guess what the surprise can be. The hype surrounding Kapil Dev's #EkNayiLeague is something similar and the guessing game has been going on for a few days now.

For starters, there are videos featuring Kapil Dev- making you guess what this league can be and how celebrities can be "hit wicket" playing in this league. It is very obvious that we will think about the game of cricket and try to relate it with this new league, perhaps Kapil Dev is one the verge of creating a new cricket league?

After all, ICL was loved and lauded by all - it had the perfect mix of foreign and domestic players and now considering that Kapil Dev is back active in the international cricketing circuit, it wouldn't be shocking if this #NayiLeague is in fact a cricket league.

To take the argument a step forward, Kapil Dev is seen with bat and ball in his hand in the few clips which might be enough to suggest that perhaps a new cricket league is in fact in the making.

Now, on the contradictory side - can this all be this obvious! Will Kapil Dev actually make the guessing game so easy to guess! I mean after all, what's the fun of the game if it's made so easy?

We can however only dispute and make guesses regarding this but until the final curtain is lifted, no one would know. Definitely to say this though, the promotion by Kapil Dev for this #NayiLeague has been tremendous and has got the social media users very much active in the mix of things - making them take wild guesses from sports league to a corporate league, perhaps many have got close to the real game as well.

To get the discussion going, I ask the readers of this blog - what do you think of the videos and the #EkNayiLeague, do you believe just like me that it's a cricket league or a step forward, believe that it is somewhat connected to sports or on the contrary you feel that this has nothing to do with sports and is a different ball game altogether.

The possibilities are many and that's what makes all this so interesting. Let your creativity flow and take wild guesses and who knows - you might just be right. Be it as it may, one has to agree that Kapil Dev has been great in keeping the suspense over this new league and the way it has gone so far; only a few would be close to the right answer. Am I perhaps one of them! Or was my guess to simple and straight forward! Well, that's what we ought to wait for to know.

Aditya Jha Author

Aditya Jha is 20 years old and has had a passion for writing since a young age. He has had the great honor of being published in the book "blank space", which featured his fictional short story "a writer's tale". He has also published 2 ebooks - Best.Generation.Ever. and An Iron Lady (Autobiography on his grandmother's life). He has great passion for speaking and is a Delhi University Debator - having won various laurels for his speaking.

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